Welcome everyone.

As we are approaching the end of the 2017 academic year, we are preparing for the next year, 2018.

Arabic Language teachers from other Sirius College campuses had a meeting, last week, with the two LOTE (Language Other Than English) Head Teachers in Melbourne. A decision has been made to choose the Arabic text books for next year. The books titles “IQRA & I Love Arabic” (new texts) are part of this selection.

Please encourage your child to do more revision at home as well as practise the work that has been handed out to them.

A big thank to the secondary students for preparing and presenting the (Arabic quiz& prizes) to the students during assembly last Monday. Thank you all.

Well done to Rafl Al-Athamy and Nooran Al-Qarakachy from year 7&8 for their excellent projects about ‘Transportation.’


All classes are working very well with memorisation.

Outstanding Achievement Award in Memorisation goes to Mohamad Al Salem from Grade 3 and Ibrahium Mansuri from Grade 4 for finishing and memorising Surah Alrahman. These awards will be presented to them at assembly.

Mrs. Eman Al Abbassi
Arabic Language Teacher